SEO Company Primelis – The Ultimate Top-notch SEO Services.

In today’s digital age, having a build website for your business is not enough. You need to ensure your website is visible and easy to find for your target audience. This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play. SEO services help businesses improve their website ranking and more traffic.

Search engine optimization services use many techniques to improve a website’s ranking in search results. Regardless of the services you offer or the niche you are in, you must have a solid online presence to establish your business. It is about optimizing a website’s content and structure to increase its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs)

Since most online experiences start with a search engine, companies must prioritize SEO efforts to drive traffic and improve their online presence. In this blog post, we explore the benefits of SEO for businesses. We also explore how Primelis, a leading SEO company, can help improve website traffic and ranking through its service offerings.

What is SEO Services.


Search engine optimization, or SEO, is integral to any business’s online presence. It optimizes a website to ensure it ranks higher in search engine results. SEO services are essential to any business’s online presence and overall success.

SEO services involve various activities and strategies to improve a website’s visibility on search engine results pages. This includes optimizing web content, improving the loading speed of webpages, and improving the website’s overall usability. SEO services improve a website’s visibility in organic search engine results.

SEO services can help businesses increase their web traffic, generate more leads and customers, and enhance their online presence when done correctly. The SEO services can also help companies to improve their website’s ranking in search engine result pages, which can result in higher online visibility and more website visitors.

SEO services typically include keyword research, content optimization, link building, on-page optimization, and meta-tag optimization. Through these activities, businesses can improve the visibility of their website in organic search engine results. Additionally, SEO services can help companies to improve their website’s loading speed, usability, and overall design.

Explanation About Primelis SEO Company​.


Primelis is a digital marketing agency based in Paris, France. Founded in 2012, Primelis has become a leading provider of digital marketing services, specializing in optimization and search engine marketing.

Primelis offers various services, from SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to SEA (Search Engine Advertising) to Social Ads and Display Ads. The Primelis also provides tools to help its clients track and analyze their campaigns, such as their Performance Dashboard.

Primelis has an international team of experts with over ten years of experience in digital marketing who are always up to date on the latest trends and developments in the industry. Their skills, combined with a deep understanding of the digital marketing landscape and the power of data-driven marketing, enable them to provide the best possible results for their clients.

Primelis’ mission is to help its clients reach their goals by providing them with the best digital marketing solutions. Through its innovative and comprehensive approach, Primelis has helped many companies succeed in their digital marketing efforts.

Primelis’s company history in SEO.

The digital marketing agency Primelis was founded in France in 2012 by Hillel Brodowicz and Philippe El Khhechen. This is one of the leading social advertising and searches marketing agencies worldwide. Initially, the company focused on SEO services but has since expanded its offerings to include PPC advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, and web analytics. As a result of their dedicated team of professionals, they ensure that their clients thrive with high levels of success and growth.

Over the years, Primelis has built a reputation for providing quality SEO services to businesses of all sizes. The agency has a team of experienced SEO professionals who use advanced techniques to help clients improve their search engine rankings, drive organic traffic and increase online visibility. 

With a brilliant team of over 80 employees and associates today, Primelis is undoubtedly one of the field’s foremost and most recognized experts. Primelis increased its reach to several countries worldwide in 2019, especially in the US market, with $14 million from Initiative & Finance.

Services Offered by Primelis’ SEO Company.

01. Keyword research: Primelis uses a combination of tools and techniques to identify relevant keywords that are likely to attract high-quality traffic to your website. The agency thoroughly analyses your target audience, competitors, and industry trends to determine the best keywords to target.

02. On-page optimization: Once the target keywords have been identified, Primelis optimizes your website’s on-page elements, including titles, descriptions, headings, and content, to ensure that they align with the target keywords and are optimized for search engine algorithms.

03. Content creation: Primelis provides high-quality content creation services designed to engage and inform your target audience while ranking well on search engines. The agency’s experienced writers and editors can create various content types, including blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and more.

04. Link building: Primelis uses various techniques to build high-quality backlinks to your website, including outreach to industry influencers and bloggers, guest blogging, and content promotion. This helps to improve your website’s authority and visibility on search engines.

05. Technical SEO: Primelis conducts a comprehensive technical SEO audit of your website to identify any technical issues affecting your website’s performance on search engines. The agency’s specialised experts can fix any issues and optimize your website’s technical elements, including site speed, mobile responsiveness, and structure.

06. Local SEO: For businesses that rely on local customers, Primelis offers local SEO services designed to improve your visibility in local search results. This includes optimizing your Google My Business listing, building local citations, and targeting local keywords.

07. Paid search advertising: In addition to organic SEO, Primelis also offers paid search advertising services, including Google Ads and Bing Ads. The agency’s team of PPC experts can help you create and manage effective campaigns designed to drive high-quality traffic to your website and generate leads and sales.

Benefits of Working with Primelis.

Working with Primelis can be an enriching experience for businesses. Not only do they have some of the most talented and experienced professionals in the digital marketing industry, but they also offer numerous benefits that can help businesses take their marketing strategies to the next level.

One of the significant benefits of working with Primelis is its commitment to staying up to date with the latest trends and technologies in the digital marketing industry. As a result, they can provide their clients with the best solutions and strategies tailored to their specific needs and goals.

Primelis is also dedicated to excellent customer service. They understand that businesses can struggle to understand digital marketing complexities, so they provide support and guidance whenever needed. This helps ensure clients have the tools and information they need to achieve their desired results.

Primelis also offers extensive services, from search engine optimization (SEO) to digital advertising and website design. This means businesses can choose the services that best fit their needs and goals. Furthermore, Primelis works with businesses at all stages of digital marketing, from creating a strategy to implementing it.

Case studies of Primelis’s success in traffic generation

Primelis has successfully executed SEO strategies for a wide range of clients, significantly increasing website traffic and rankings. Here are some case studies showcasing their success:



Jardiland is a leading French brand specializing in products for the garden and pets. The company wanted to improve its online presence and increase website traffic. Jardiland partnered with Primelis to enhance its SEO strategy to achieve this goal.

Primelis thoroughly analyzed the Jardiland website and identified areas that needed improvement. The team developed an effective SEO strategy that included optimizing website content, implementing technical advancements, and building high-quality backlinks.

The results of Primelis’ SEO strategy were impressive. Jardiland’s website traffic increased by 37%, and the number of sessions increased by 41%. Additionally, the average duration of website visits increased by 14%, indicating that visitors were more engaged with the content.

Thanks to Primelis’ effective SEO strategy, Jardiland achieved significant website traffic growth, contributing to increased revenue and customer engagement.

Institut Français de la Mode (IFM):


The Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) is a prestigious French fashion school that offers undergraduate and postgraduate design, management and craft programs. IFM has a strong reputation in the fashion industry, and its graduates are highly sought after by leading fashion companies.

In 2018, IFM approached Primelis with a challenge: to increase the visibility of their website and attract more students to their programs. Primelis audited the IFM website and identified several areas for improvement.

Firstly, Primelis optimized IFM’s website for search engines by conducting keyword research and ensuring that all page elements were optimized correctly. This included creating optimized page titles and meta descriptions, using header tags to structure content, and optimizing images and other media.

Second, Primelis launched a content marketing campaign to drive traffic to the IFM website. This included creating high-quality blog posts, social media posts, and other types of content designed to engage and educate IFM’s target audience.

Third, Primelis implemented a link-building campaign to increase the authority of the IFM website. This involved creating high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in the fashion industry. As a result of these efforts, IFM’s website traffic increased by 300% in the campaign’s first year.

Groupe Bayard:


Groupe Bayard is a French media company specialising in publishing magazines, books, and digital content for children, youth, and adults. With more than 40 magazines in its portfolio, the company has been a leading player in the French media industry for more than 140 years. However, with the rise of digital media and changing consumer habits, Groupe Bayard faced challenges maintaining its audience and staying competitive.

To address these challenges, Groupe Bayard sought the help of Primelis, a leading SEO agency in France. Primelis thoroughly analyzed Groupe Bayard’s digital presence and developed a comprehensive SEO strategy to improve its visibility and traffic.

Primelis first identified the key target audiences for Groupe Bayard’s publications and conducted keyword research to optimize its website and content for those audiences. They also performed a technical audit of the website to identify and fix any technical SEO issues affecting their rankings.

Primelis created a content marketing strategy for Groupe Bayard that included developing compelling and informative content for its target audiences. This content was optimized for search engines and shared on social media platforms to drive more traffic and increase brand awareness.

The results of the partnership between Groupe Bayard and Primelis were impressive. Within six months of implementing the SEO strategy, Groupe Bayard saw a 30% increase in organic traffic and a 20% increase in page views. The company also saw significant improvements in its search engine ranking, with many posts appearing on the first page of search results.

Case studies of Primelis’s success in improving website rankings

Primelis has successfully improved website rankings for various businesses across different industries. Here are some case studies that highlight their success:



Promovacances is a leading online travel agency in France. In 2016 they contacted Primelis to increase their visibility and positioning in search engines. They wanted to improve their online presence and drive more traffic to their website.

Primelis conducted a thorough analysis of the Promovacances website and identified several areas for improvement, including keyword optimization, technical SEO, and link building. The team implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy that included the following:

  • Conduct extensive keyword research to identify high-traffic and relevant keywords
  • Optimizing elements on the page, such as meta titles, descriptions, and header tags
  • Improve the overall user experience and website navigation.
  • Creation of high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites in the travel industry
  • Analyze and adjust the strategy to ensure continued success

Primelis’s efforts were successful. Promovacances experienced a 36% increase in organic traffic during the first year of working with Primelis. His website also saw a substantial improvement in keyword rankings, with many keywords ranking on the first page of Google search results.

Groupe SEB:


Groupe SEB is a leading manufacturer of small appliances, cookware, and cookware with a global presence. The company approached Primelis to improve its search engine ranking and visibility.

Primelis began by carefully analyzing the Groupe SEB website and identified several technical issues that affected its ranking. These issues were resolved by optimizing the website’s structure and content, ensuring that it was easily crawlable by search engines.

Primelis implemented a comprehensive backlink strategy to improve the authority and relevance of the website. The team also optimized the website titles and meta descriptions to ensure they were more relevant to users’ search queries.

As a result of these efforts, the Groupe SEB website experienced a significant improvement in its search engine rankings, with several of its key pages ranking in the top three search results. The company also experienced a substantial increase in organic traffic and brand visibility.

In addition, Primelis’ efforts resulted in Groupe SEB’s website appearing on the first page of search results for several high-volume keywords, leading to an increase in the number of leads and sales for the company.



Interflora is a global flower delivery company that operates in several countries. The company contacted Primelis to improve its online visibility and organic search engine rankings.

Primelis first carried out a thorough analysis of the Interflora website and identified several technical SEO issues that were affecting its performance. These issues included duplicate content, poor site structure, and slow load times.

Primelis worked closely with the Interflora development team to address these issues and improve the overall site structure and user experience. The team also implemented a comprehensive keyword research and content strategy to target high-traffic and relevant keywords.

Through a combination of on-page optimization, technical SEO improvements, and content marketing, Primelis significantly improved Interflora’s organic search engine rankings. The company saw a 29% increase in organic traffic and a 35% increase in organic search revenue in just six months.

In addition to improving Interflora’s rankings and traffic, Primelis also provided ongoing support and optimization to ensure continued success.


In conclusion, Primelis is a reputable SEO company that can help businesses improve their website traffic and ranking through effective strategies and techniques. From the case studies discussed, it is clear that Primelis has a proven track record of success in generating traffic and improving website rankings for clients in various industries.

By choosing Primelis, businesses can benefit from innovative and personalized SEO solutions tailored to their unique needs and goals. The company’s team of experienced SEO professionals is equipped with the knowledge and skills to implement effective strategies that drive measurable results.

In today’s digital age, SEO is essential to any successful business strategy. As such, businesses should work with a trusted and experienced SEO provider like Primelis to ensure they remain competitive and achieve their goals online.

If you want to improve your website traffic and ranking, consider trying Primelis. Their expertise and innovative solutions can help your business reach its full potential online.

Frequently Asked Questions About Primelis SEO Service:

How long does it take to see results from Primelis SEO services?

Primelis uses a data-driven SEO approach tailored to each client’s unique needs, goals, and timeline. As such, the time it takes to see results can vary depending on various factors, such as the website’s current state, industry competitiveness, and the SEO strategies implemented.

How much do Primelis SEO services cost?

The cost of Primelis SEO services depends on various factors, such as the scope of the project, the client’s industry, and the specific services required. Primelis offers customized pricing plans based on the client’s needs and budget. Interested clients can contact Primelis directly to receive a quote for their project.

Can Primelis help with local SEO optimization?

Yes! Primelis offers local SEO optimization services to help businesses improve their visibility in local search results. This includes optimizing the website for local keywords, managing local business listings, and creating content tailored to the local audience.

Does Primelis offer ongoing SEO maintenance services?

Yes, Primelis offers ongoing SEO maintenance services to help businesses maintain and improve their search engine rankings over time. These services include regular audits and updates to the website, monitoring and analyzing search engine performance, and adapting SEO strategies to reflect the latest trends and algorithms.

How does Primelis stay updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithms?

Primelis has a team of experienced SEO professionals who stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and algorithms through ongoing research, testing, and industry events. Additionally, Primelis has established partnerships with leading SEO tools and platforms to ensure that their team has access to the latest data and insights.

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